
An international experience

Capodifaro offers contacts and opportunities for exchange with different university Halls of Residence all over the world, that share the same values and vision.
It is a great opportunity for students to participate in Erasmus project and for all students who dedicate the summer months learning a new language.

Some of our partners:

Netherhall House (London)
Colegio Mayor Universitario Pedralbes (Barcellona)
Colégio Universitario Montes Claros (Lisbon)
Colegio Mayor Moncloa (Madrid)
Riverview Centre (Montreal)
Colegio Mayor Belagua (Pamplona)
Ernescliff College (Toronto)
Warrane College (Sydney)

We also organize cultural trips to discover the greatest European cities.


Scholarships and International Activities

Rui Foundation promotes many initiatives and international exchange activities by providing scholarships and subsidies from the fund dedicated to internationalization: the Summer School of IESE in Barcelona, ​​the Calarossa Summer School in Palermo, and JUMP + courses in collaboration with major International Business Schools.

For the last two years,  Rui Foundation has also funded various scholarships for the ChinaMed Business Program, a 6-week program with over 200 hours of training, which takes place at Peking University in the cities of Beijing, Xi’an and Shenzhen.

International network of Rui Foundation in Genoa | Capodifaro Residenza Universitaria a Genova, Università degli Studi